Tramfloc® 1001B Super Absorbent Polymer for Craft, Experimentation, and Waste Liquids


Product has a seven day lead time.

Product is packaged in a 55-pound bag.

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This granular polymer is the sodium based homopolymer which is so highly effective in retaining and capturing water in craft applications, sanitary uses, hazardous liquid clean-up, and miscellaneous liquid disposal of troublesome fluids. Tramfloc®1001B has a nominal 0.1-0.5 mm particle size which makes it a very fine powder with rapid absorbency properties. Tramfloc®1001B has the particle size of powdered sugar. Product is packaged in fifty-five-pound bags. Product may be mixed, blended or broadcast onto the liquid’s surface and will absorb immediately. This formulation picks up a large quantity of water, chemical solutions, water-based slurries to create easy to transport gels. This polymer is preferred for single use applications.

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