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These products are for industrial use only. 

Jet’s Chlor-Away Dechlorination Tablets

When used as directed, Chlor-Away dechlorination tablets provide an environmentally safe dose of sodium sulfite capable of neutralizing free and combined chlorine present in treated water, wastewater or process water. Research shows that high concentrations of sodium sulfite will degrade beneficial dissolved oxygen in receiving environments, producing harmful effects on the ecosystem. Chlor-Away tablets provide a consistent reduction or elimination of residual chlorine without affecting water quality, dissolved oxygen or other discharge parameters. A unique combination of sustained release agents and sodium sulfite shall maintain a consistently uniform application rate regardless of flow, temperature or humidity. Chlor-Away dechlorination tablets generally lower chemical consumption and provide a reliable reduction of chlorine residual in a more thorough, safe and economical manner than simply compressed sodium sulfite.

Accu-Tab Chlorine Tablets

Accu-Tab wastewater chlorine tablets are specifically designed for use in on-site wastewater systems. They are commonly used in residential wastewater systems and commercial systems in facilities such as schools, small towns, mobile home communities and many more. Accu-Tab wastewater chlorine tablets can be accurately dosed with a Jet Tablet Feeder or used in other brands of tablet feeders. Made in the USA.

Tramfloc® 300 for Raw Sewage and Septage

This polymer is specially formulated to clarify, clean up and dewater raw or primary sewage. Generally, 10 to 30 fluid ounces of polymer treat 1000 gallons of sludge or 1 to 3 fluid ounces per 1000 gallons wastewater for clarification applications. Product is packaged in five-gallon pails with a net weight of 42 lbs. The product should be pre-diluted with clear water at a 50-100 to 1, water to polymer ratio, then mixed thoroughly for five minutes in a clean pail or drum. Solids should separate and the water should clear in a few minutes.

Tramfloc® 308 for Digested Sludge in WWTP and Lagoons

This polymer is uniquely formulated to clarify, clean and dewater digested sludge, aerobically or anaerobically, in public and private wastewater treatment plants, drying beds, lagoons, and aeration ditches. Generally, 10 to 30 fluid ounces of polymer treats 1000 gallons of digested sludge or 1 to 3 fluid ounces per 1000 gallons wastewater for clarification applications. Product is packaged in five-gallon pails with a net weight of 42 lbs. The product should be pre-diluted with clear water at a 50-100 to 1, water to polymer ratio, then mixed thoroughly for five minutes in a clean pail or drum. Solids should agglomerate together and the water should clear rapidly.

Tramfloc® 723 Water Clarifier for Well and Surface Waters in WTP

This coagulant is highly effective in clarifying raw water intended for potable and other higher quality purposes. This formulation coagulates suspended solid which cause turbidity, malodors and off-tastes in well, surface and reclaimed water supplies. Generally, 1 to 3 fluid ounces of polymer treats 1000 gallons of wastewater. Product is packaged in five-gallon pails with a net weight of 42lbs. Product may be fed neat or diluted to a point of good mixing prior to being fed to the clarifying equipment or treatment tanks. Solids should agglomerate together and the water should clear rapidly. This is used to clarify pond water where fish are not present.

Tramfloc® 141 Flocculant for Clay Solids Removal

This flocculant has special effectiveness in removing clay and other suspended solids from wash waters used in sand, gravel and mineral mining processing waters. The wash water is often piped to settling ponds but clay solids usually resist clarification without a special flocculant such as Tramfloc®141. Generally, 1 to 3 fluid ounces of polymer treats 1000 gallons of wastewater. Product is packaged in five-gallon pails with a net weight of 42 lbs. The product should be pre-diluted with clear water at a 50-100 to 1, water to polymer ratio, then mixed thoroughly for five minutes in a clean pail or drum. Clay and other suspended solids should agglomerate together and the wastewater should clear rapidly.

Tramfloc® 148 Flocculant for Metal Containing Wastes

This flocculant is carefully formulated to remove from solution metallic solids in hydroxide form from mining, metal processing, plating, metallic rinses, circuit board, chip fab and other metal containing effluents. Such facilities have various heavy metals in process streams that must be removed or reduced in order to meet MCL as specified in NPDES and other local regulations. Generally, 1 to 3 fluid ounces of polymer treats 1000 gallons of wastewater. Product is packaged in five-gallon pails with a net weight of 42 lbs. The product should be pre-diluted with clear water at a 50-100 to 1, water to polymer ratio, then mixed thoroughly for five minutes in a clean pail or drum. The metallic solids should agglomerate together and the wastewater should clear rapidly.

Tramfloc® 228 for Digested Sludge in WWTP and Lagoons

This polymer is uniquely formulated to clarify, clean and dewater digested sludge, aerobically or anaerobically, in public and private wastewater treatment plants, drying beds, lagoons and, aeration ditches. Generally, 8to 12ounces of polymer treats 1000 gallons of digested sludge or 1 to 2ounces per 1000 gallons wastewater for clarification applications. Product is packaged in fifty-five-pound bags. The product should be pre-diluted with clear water at a 150 to 1, water to polymer ratio, then mixed thoroughly for five minutes in a clean pail or drum. Solids should agglomerate together and the water should clear rapidly.

Tramfloc® 161A Flocculant for Dirty Water Clarification

This flocculant has special effectiveness in removing clay and other suspended solids from wash waters used in many different applications.The wash water is often piped to settling ponds but clay solids usually resist clarification without a special flocculant such as Tramfloc®161A. Generally, 1 to 2 ounces of polymer treats 1000 gallons of wastewater. Product is packaged in fifty-five-pound bags. The product should be pre-diluted with clear water at a 150 to 1, water to polymer ratio, then mixed thoroughly for five minutes in a clean pail or drum. Clay and other suspended solids should agglomerate together and the wastewater should clear rapidly.

Tramfloc® 129 Flocculant for Metal-Containing and General Waste Streams

This flocculant is carefully formulated to remove from solution metallic solids in hydroxide form from mining, metal processing, plating, metallic rinses, circuit board, chip fab and other metal containing effluents. Such facilities have various heavy metals in process streams that must be removed or reduced in order to meet MCL as specified in NPDES and other local regulations. Generally, 1 to 2ounces of polymer treats 1000 gallons of wastewater. Product is packaged in fifty-five-pound bags. The product should be pre-diluted with clear water at a 150 to 1, water to polymer ratio, then mixed thoroughly for five minutes in a clean pail or drum. The solids should agglomerate together and the wastewater should clear rapidly. If removing plating waste metals, be sure to raise the pH to 9.0 before flocculant addition.

Tramfloc® 621 Chitosan Solution Flocculant for All-Natural Food Applications

Tramfloc® 621 Chitosan Solution is a flocculant solution produced from shrimp shells and is supplied as a cloudy solution. Tramfloc® 621 Chitosan Solution is completely soluble in water and produces low viscosity solutions upon make-down. Tramfloc® 621 Chitosan Solution is used as a special flocculant and dewatering agent in a wide variety of food grade applications in which synthetic polymers are prohibited. Tramfloc® 621 Chitosan Solution is used where the nature of the application demands natural, organic, completely non-toxic, food ingredient safe flocculant.

Tramfloc® 621 Chitosan Solution is applied to a point of good mixing with the food substrate so that solids may precipitate from the process stream. Tramfloc® 621 Chitosan Solution is particularly well suited to applications in the human food production, bio-pharma, animal feed, yeast fermentation, algae harvesting, enzyme production, and in all-natural grade food production. Feed rates vary with the nature of the specific application and simple bench testing can help establish functional dosages.

This is a 2% active solution.

Tramfloc® 1001 – Tramfloc® 1001 has a nominal 1 mm particle size.

Tramfloc® 1002  – Tramfloc® 1002 has a nominal 2 mm particle size.

Tramfloc® 1004 – Tramfloc® 1004 has a nominal 4 mm particle size.

Tramfloc® 1001, 1002 and 1004 Super Absorbent Polymers for Crop Water Retention

These three granular polymers are all the potassium-based copolymer which is so highly effective in retaining moisture in turf, row crops, orchards, horticulture, seedlings, and root coating. Tramfloc® 1001 has a nominal 1 mm particle size, 1002 has a nominal 2 mm particle size and 1004 has a nominal 4 mm particle size. Tramfloc® 1001 has the particle size of granulated sugar. Product is packaged in fifty-five-pound bags. Product may be tilled or mixed into soil, injected sub-surface or blended with other soil amendments and broadcast. These products retain large volumes of water and nutrients to reduce irrigation requirements and improve growth rates and crop yields. These polymers can last several growing seasons and can absorb and release water nearly infinite times for a long useful performance life.

Tramfloc® 1001B Super Absorbent Polymer for Craft, Experimentation, and Waste Liquids

This granular polymer is the sodium based homopolymer which is so highly effective in retaining and capturing water in craft applications, sanitary uses, hazardous liquid clean-up, and miscellaneous liquid disposal of troublesome fluids. Tramfloc® 1001B has a nominal 0.1-0.5 mm particle size which makes it a very fine powder with rapid absorbency properties. Tramfloc® 1001B has the particle size of powdered sugar. Product is packaged in fifty-five-pound bags. Product may be mixed, blended or broadcast onto the liquid’s surface and will absorb immediately. This formulation picks up a large quantity of water, chemical solutions, water-based slurries to create easy to transport gels. This polymer is preferred for single use applications.